As part of Konstfack 2015 Degree Exhibition, Affective Breaks opens on May 13th. The exhibition is up until May 24th. Affective Breaks is an artistic research project through which Hanna Wildow collaboratively processes linguistic, political and emotional aspects of translation. Through performative inquiries, engendered as lectures, video, sound, books and installations, she explores dimensions of translation, while at the same time embodying and performing them. Wildow’s interest in translation concerns the movement and displacement that can be found in languages — shiftings, breakages, slippages and gaps. She examines these interspaces — in between words, cultures, bodies — in search of places where language reaches its own limits and stops itself; becomes lost, skewed, queer.
Affective Breaks consists of a series of overlapping works and for the spring exhibition, Wildow makes a site-specific installation within which an archive of these unfold; works collaboratively engendered together with Inga Svensson, Imri Sandström, Laida Aguirre, Sara Kaaman, Moa-Lina Croall, Moa Edlund, Athena Farrokhzad and Cristina Caprioli. In conjunction with the exhibition, Wildow will also perform her video lecture De starka, stolta kvinnornas berg: May 15th – 17th at 2pm, at Midsommargården (Telefonplan 3, above the library). Open to the public and free of charge. For more information, please visit: Kommentarerna är stängda.